Sweet Nothing: New Story.

Heeeeeey there guys!

It's been a long time since i don't post anything here but here I am! and i just writing this because I wanted to tell you a little secret:


I'm so happy to announce guys that the new story is called: Sweet Nothing! and the principal caracthers are going to be called Dave and Florence.

Aaaaaaand, here's the cover:


The story is based on the song Sweet Nothing by Calvin Harris ft. Florence Welch that why I picked that name for the story, you can find the link in the October tracklist that Diamond_Tribute posted a few weeks ago, but there's the song for you to hear it.

As always guys please refrain of making any copy of my stories be original and do something that comes from your little head.

With nothing left to say, thanks for the support and for always being there! And I hope you enjoy this story as i'm enjoying writing it!

Thanks for read.



Thunder, Thousand Needles, NEW YEAR!

We are very happy! if you haven't check you Wattpad account yet, look at it right now because Thousand Needles and Thunder are up! yes, finally after a writing and editing process we can finally say that we are very happy with the results!

We can't express how proud and happy we are with the sucess of our stories, and the sucess that is going to happen with Thunder and Thousand Needles, we are very happy for ourselves especially Gaby her story "Café" is closer to the 1k!

The surprises that are coming in 2015 are HUGE and awesome, new stories, second books from the stories that are published already, surprises here in the blog etc. 

Personally, i'm really thankful with my readers. Yesterday I discover that Canada is now in the list of the readers just like Mexico, USA and etc. 2014 was an awesome year for me because I discovered what I really want to be: a writer. Thanks to my friends for voting and supporting me, thanks to my family for always being there, thanks to Jared Leto for exist, thanks to Alessandra and Gaby or giving me the support and imagination that I needed and thanks to all the the music that I listened to, without it I would never be able to write these stories.

Thanks to my lovely readers, a lot of thanks.

Diamond_Tribute says: Thanks to my friends for always supporting me to write, thanks to Marina (And The Diamonds) for keeping me inspired and having powerful thoughts in my life, and thanks to my family for always being there for me.


And we'll go for more.

With powerful love,

Valeria and Gaby.

(Infinity Louder and Diamond_ Tribute.)

Movie review: VHS.

Name of the movie: VHS

Type of the movie: Horror.

Rated: R

Duration: 116 minutes.

V/H/S is a 2012 American antholoy horror film. It features a series of found-footage shorts written and directed by Adam Wingard, David Bruckner, Ti West, Glenn McQuaid, Joe Swamberg, and the directing quartet known as Radio Silence.

The movie is basically about a group of criminals that likes doing bad things to people, like, rape girls and record that sexual act in a tape and then sell it to radom guys. With the time they have this kind of "mission" they have to go into a house to steal a videotape.

When they break into the house they discover that the possibly owner of the property is dead and in the same room they found the body are a lot of VHS tapes every single of them with a horrible content.

In the movie we can see five different and "horrible" stories (every single of them recorded in a VHS tape) and these stories are alternated with the reaction that the guys of the group have when they see the tapes.


The movie is very good, I really recommend it if you are bored and you want to see a horror movie while you are alone in your house (and i'm saying this in a good way) there are some parts when you get confused but when you search the movie in Wikipedia you can have a good explanation of all the tapes.

The beggining is pretty boring, because there are just guys breaking stuff and vadalizing houses and then you are waiting for the "horror" to come but is very important to see the first part of the movie to understand the rest of it.

The five (one completely independent from the other one) are very scary but also kind of boring. You have to put attention and not missing any part of it because if that happens you will not understant what can happen next.

The movie has also a sequel and it's called "V/H/S 2" I just saw the first one. A lot of people didn't like it because it has "gore" and people doesn't like to see so much blood in one movie so it didn't have any good receptions.

There is also a third entry from VHS and it's called: "VHS: Viral" where a group of friends get viral on the internet and it was suppose to be realased in the Fall of this year (2014) but I didn't see it.

Conclusion: VHS trilogy are very good movies and you can enjoy them with your friends one Friday night.

Thanks for reading!

Infinity Louder.

Quick update: Thousand Needles.

Hey there guys!

As you probably know tomorrow to stories will be on Wattpad: Thousand Needles and Thunder.

In another post here in the blog I explained to you the details about "Thunder" and now I'll explain to you the details about "Thousand Needles"

  • The story will have 100 parts.
  • It will narrate the story of Amanda and Dane.
  • And i'm not sure if it will have a good end or a horrible one.
As you know the details are not so important but I just wanted to know better the story.

It will be on Wattpad tomorrow in the morning ot evening.

#Goodbye2014! #HeyThere2015!


With Love,

Infinity Louder.



Thunder, guys, Thunder!

Thunder is the new novel that me and Diamond_Tribute are working it, we have like ten chapters already and is a short story.

I think that it's going to have about 20 or 25 chapters we are not sure and is going to be very funny for you guys, we used to write it in our free time and we liked it so much! it's very, very funny to write and we are sure that you are going to love it.

The story will be available on Wattpad in the morning of December 31st

Also: the same day as we post Thunder (just available in English for the moment) I am going to post my new story "Thousand Needles" but I'll put more details in another note here in the blog.

Diamond_Tribute is writing this new story (in Spanish) called "Café" and is very pretty, is a short story and it will count with 345 chapters (i'm not sure) but it is very interesting and it makes you love the coffee if you hate it or it makes you adore coffee if you love it already.

Thanks for the support guys!


Infinity Louder.


Book List of the month!

Heeeeey guys! as you know the last month we made a Tracklist with our the songs that we recommend to you but now we are making a Book List and -as the name says- we are going to recommend you books for you to read them.

So, is my turn to post and here are the Diamond_Tribute books! and a small review of them:

O N E:

Fangirl by Rainbow Robell.

Cath is a Simon Snow fan.
Okay, the whole world is a Simon Snow fan . . .
But for Cath, being a fan is her life — and she’s really good at it. She and her twin sister, Wren, ensconced themselves in the Simon Snow series when they were just kids; it’s what got them through their mother leaving.
Reading. Rereading. Hanging out in Simon Snow forums, writing Simon Snow fanfiction, dressing up like the characters for every movie premiere.
Cath’s sister has mostly grown away from fandom, but Cath can’t let go. She doesn’t want to.
Now that they’re going to college, Wren has told Cath she doesn’t want to be roommates. Cath is on her own, completely outside of her comfort zone. She’s got a surly roommate with a charming, always-around boyfriend, a fiction-writing professor who thinks fanfiction is the end of the civilized world, a handsome classmate who only wants to talk about words . . . And she can’t stop worrying about her dad, who’s loving and fragile and has never really been alone.
For Cath, the question is: Can she do this?
Can she make it without Wren holding her hand? Is she ready to start living her own life? Writing her own stories?
And does she even want to move on if it means leaving Simon Snow behind?

The book cover!
What Diamond_ Tribute says about the book:
"I like Fangirl because is the only book that talks about the reality of all the girls with this obssesion with books, musical groups, fictional characters, series and blah, blah, blah..."
T W O:
Delirium by Lauren Oliver.

The story takes place in Portland, Maine in an alternate present. The civilization is concentrated in those cities wich escapes the severe bombings of decades past. Travel between cities is highly restricted. Electric fences separate the city from the Wilds- unregulated territory wich was most destroyed by bombs.

The totalitarian goverment teaches that love is a disease, named amor deliria nervosa, commmonly reffered as "The Deliria". a surgical cure for the Deliria has been developed and is mandatory for citizens 18 years old and over. Lena has looked forward to the procedure for years, convinced as she is by the goverment that love is a horrible disease that must destroy the mankid system.

This book has a second part: Pandemonium and Requiem.

What Diamond_Tribute says about the book: "i like Delirium because it talks about a world without love, and the book is completely obvious, it caught my attention inmediately."

T H R E E:
Forbidden falling in love with Adam walker by Lia Belikov.
The book is completely in Spanish (for the Latin American readers) and is available on Wattpad.
When I think on Adam Walker, I think in these things: Hot, idiot and dangerous.
Hot because, I mean, not even god can't deny how handsome he is: black hair, green eyes, big arms, secret tattoos in the last part of his back and delicous large fingers that look like french chips ready for eat them.
Dangerous because this guy, not only drives a motorcicle, he has a dark secret that he doesn't even tell to his own shadow.
And IDIOT (really, IDIOT) because, well, he dediced to be with my cousin Marie.
You can find the complete sypnosis on Goodreads.

The first book!

What Diamond_Tribute says about the book: "I like this book becase is a wonderful love story and is so funny, and you fall in love with Adam since the first moment."
Second book, forbidden get obssesed with Adam Walker.

And those were Diamond_Tribute books thanks for read!, now InfinityLouders Book List:

O N E!

Ignite Me Trilogy by Tahereh Mafi.

Ignite Me is the last book from the Shatter Me trilogy and is awesome, all those Warnetter moments that i LOOOOOOOOVE are SOOOOO perfect! 
Juliette is trying to take the Reestablishment down and she discovers that not Adam, Kenji, or even Warner are capable of taking it down.
She has to take The Reestablishment down by herself.
And with all of this she'll discover that all the things that she thought she know from Adam or Warner was wrong.
                                       WARNER AND JULIETTE HAVE SEX IN CHAPTER 55.
Sorry but I had to do that, also visit the Tahereh and Tanas blog: westillwriteincursive.com for you to know more about them!

T W O!

Furthermore by Tahereh Mafi.

My sweet, sweet Tahereh came with this big new today i guess and she said that her new book was veeeeery close to be published! all her fans (including me) are SOOOOO happy for it and i just can say that:

It's courious because the photo says: my body is ready but I am not ready for another Taherehs book because I still have a trauma with the Shatter Me trilogy and why the heck i put that photo? because Diamond_Tribute is Walker and i'm kind of Walker and we both hate the Governador why? because he is a son of a bitc*! Anyway here's the sypnosis:
Once upon a time, a girl was born. It was rather uneventful.

Her parents were happy enough: the mother glad to be done carrying it; the father glad to be done with the mystery of it all. But then one day they realized that their baby, the one they’d named Alice, had no pigment at all. Her hair and skin were white as milk, her heart and bones as soft as silk. Her eyes alone had been spared a spot of color: only just clinging to the faintest shade of honey. It was the kind of child her world could not appreciate.
Ferenwood had been built on color. Bursts of it, swaths of it, depths and breadths of it. Its people were known to be the brightest — modeled after the planets, they’d said — and young Alice was deemed simply too dim, even though she knew she was not. 
Once upon a time, a girl was forgot.

Twelve-year-old Alice Alexis Queensmeadow has only three things in the world that matter: Mother, who wouldn’t miss her; triplet brothers, who never knew her; and Father, who always loved her. The day Father disappears from Ferenwood he takes nothing but a ruler with him, so some said he’d gone to measure the sea. Others said the sky. The moon. Maybe he’d learned to fly and had forgotten how to come back down. But it’s been almost six years since then, and Alice is determined to find him. She loves her father even more than she loves adventure, and she’s about to embark on one to find the other. No matter the cost.

It’s a kind of fairytale, a story where magic is a must, adventure is inevitable, and friendship is found in the most unexpected places.

T H R E E!

The perfume history of a murderer by Patrick SĂĽskind.

This book caught my attention since I saw the movie and since i discovered that the movie was based on a book, the story is completely awesome and they way how Grenoullie killed his victims for make the most wonderful and perfect perfume in the earth is... awesome.

If you haven't read the book read it because its completely awesome.

The movie official poster.

And that's all for today! we hope you enjoy this Book List as we enjoy making it! the next list will be from Wattpad novels! and it's coming the next month! 
Diamond_Tributes books:
<3 Fangirl, Delirium, and Forbidden falling in love with Adam Walker.
InfinityLouders books:
<3 Ingnite Me, Furthermore, and The Perfume.
Thanks for all!
With love,
InfinityLouder and Diamond_Tribute.

One year, one surprise.

Hey guys! 

I just wanted to say that since October 4th I have one year being on Wattpad! I can't express how i'm feeling right now because i don't know it's such an extrange feeling, is like hapiness and frustration and love and more hapiness but it's awesome 'cause I love being on this social network.

And celebrating my first year on Wattpad, guess what, A new story is coming! just for celebrate my first year doing one of the things that I love with my entire soul; writing. 

Wohoo! I love being in love with writing.

Anyway, the name of the story is going to be post on my profile in the part that says "COMING SOON".

Details of the new story:

<3 There are going to be like 3 parts from this story, I just know the name of the first one and i'm looking for more names so, if you have an idea of a name comment below this post what name you are thinking about.

<3 Is going to be a short story, I think that the first "book" or the first "novel" is going to have like 10 or 15 chapters.

<3 The cover and the name of the principal characters are going to be published here, as soon as I have them ready.

<3 I don't know the date of the "premier" yet, the only thing that I know is that is going to be on Wattpad one week (or something) after the "premier" of "Circus, Charlie!"

And that's it. I hope you enjoy this story just like i'm going to enjoy writing it.

Please keep visiting the blog for more news and voting, sharing and commenting on our stories.

Thank you guys, see you soon!

With Love,

Infinity Louder.

Curious fact: I picked the name Infinity LOUDER,
because of Lea Michele's album with that name.