One year, one surprise.

Hey guys! 

I just wanted to say that since October 4th I have one year being on Wattpad! I can't express how i'm feeling right now because i don't know it's such an extrange feeling, is like hapiness and frustration and love and more hapiness but it's awesome 'cause I love being on this social network.

And celebrating my first year on Wattpad, guess what, A new story is coming! just for celebrate my first year doing one of the things that I love with my entire soul; writing. 

Wohoo! I love being in love with writing.

Anyway, the name of the story is going to be post on my profile in the part that says "COMING SOON".

Details of the new story:

<3 There are going to be like 3 parts from this story, I just know the name of the first one and i'm looking for more names so, if you have an idea of a name comment below this post what name you are thinking about.

<3 Is going to be a short story, I think that the first "book" or the first "novel" is going to have like 10 or 15 chapters.

<3 The cover and the name of the principal characters are going to be published here, as soon as I have them ready.

<3 I don't know the date of the "premier" yet, the only thing that I know is that is going to be on Wattpad one week (or something) after the "premier" of "Circus, Charlie!"

And that's it. I hope you enjoy this story just like i'm going to enjoy writing it.

Please keep visiting the blog for more news and voting, sharing and commenting on our stories.

Thank you guys, see you soon!

With Love,

Infinity Louder.

Curious fact: I picked the name Infinity LOUDER,
because of Lea Michele's album with that name.

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