
Thunder, guys, Thunder!

Thunder is the new novel that me and Diamond_Tribute are working it, we have like ten chapters already and is a short story.

I think that it's going to have about 20 or 25 chapters we are not sure and is going to be very funny for you guys, we used to write it in our free time and we liked it so much! it's very, very funny to write and we are sure that you are going to love it.

The story will be available on Wattpad in the morning of December 31st

Also: the same day as we post Thunder (just available in English for the moment) I am going to post my new story "Thousand Needles" but I'll put more details in another note here in the blog.

Diamond_Tribute is writing this new story (in Spanish) called "Café" and is very pretty, is a short story and it will count with 345 chapters (i'm not sure) but it is very interesting and it makes you love the coffee if you hate it or it makes you adore coffee if you love it already.

Thanks for the support guys!


Infinity Louder.


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